Our software programs offer real estate developers the opportunity to prepare detailed and understandable proformas in both single investor and multiple waterfall investor scenarios for uneven contribution and distribution situations. Axia allows the user to apply various inputs that prompt circular responses to create a multitude of detailed sensitivity responses to make the very best decisions in evaluation and projections for commercial income producing properties.
Axia Solutions is a cloud-based software platform for commercial and land development companies.
- Access anywhere, anytime, with any device
- Sophisticated analytical tools at an affordable price
- High-quality reports for greater credibility with investors
- Utilizes cost-segregated depreciation rules for maximum tax advantage and cash-on-returns
- Allows waterfall investment structures

Axia Solutions is currently looking for qualified commercial and land development companies to participate in the beta testing of our product.
For more information on how you can benefit, contact Bob Kline at bobk@axiasolutionsllc.com